
Per què no s’usen les TIC a les aules?

M’acaben de publicar un petit article a titulat ¿Por qué no se usan las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las aulas?

En realitat només és un resum d’una trentena de missatge que es varen generar durant el passat cap de setmana arran d’una pregunta que vaig fer als membres de la llista de correu


Finalment he decidit empaquetar el programet que vaig fer fa gairebé dos anys. Un programet molt, molt senzill pensat pel meu fill. Es tracta d’arrossegar un nom davall de la seva imatge corresponent. La gràcia del programet és que es poden unir les imatges que es vulguin. Originalment la cosa està pensada per unir els noms dels companys de classe del meu fill amb la foto de cadascun. Al PDF que acompanya el programa està tot explicat.


Descarregar el NOMS 0.1 per a Mac OS X

Descarregar el NOMS 0.1 per a Windows

Do all treatments work for flight phobia? Computer-assisted exposure versus a brief multicomponent nonexposure treatment

Psychotherapy Research. Volume 16, Issue 1, 2006, 41-50. Do all treatments work for flight phobia? Computer-assisted exposure versus a brief multicomponent nonexposure treatment. DOI:10.1080/10503300500091058. Xavier Bornas, Miquel Tortella-Feliu & Jordi Llabrés

Computer-assisted treatments have proven to be effective in the treatment of several anxiety disorders and depression, but the role of exposure remains unclear. This study compares the efficacy of a computer-assisted exposure treatment (CAE) with a brief multicomponent nonexposure treatment (MNE) for flight phobia. Outcome measure assessments were conducted at posttreatment and at 6-month follow-up. No differences were found between CAE and MNE in reducing fear of flying. In both conditions patients improved significantly and clinically meaningfully, and results were maintained at 6- month follow-up. These findings challenge the idea that exposure is essential in reducing phobic anxiety and support the idea that specific phobias may be well suited for brief cognitive–behavioral treatments.

Sample entropy of ECG time series of fearful flyers: preliminary results

Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci. 2006 Jul;10(3):301-18. Sample entropy of ECG time series of fearful flyers: preliminary results. Bornas X, Llabrés J, Noguera M, Pérez A.

Research within the framework of the nonlinear dynamical systems (NDS) in the field of anxiety disorders has shown that greater irregularity/complexity appears in the output from healthy systems. In this study we measured the Heart rate variability (HRV) and the sample sntropy (SampEn) of the ECG mV time series of fearful flyers (N = 15) and a matched control group (N = 15) when confronted with three combinations of feared stimuli (pictures, sounds, and pictures with sounds) as well as relaxing stimuli (pictures and sounds). Fearful flyers had lower SampEn than controls in all conditions, including baseline. Non-phobics showed significant entropy decreases from baseline in two out of three exposure conditions. No differences on HRV were found between groups, and HRV was not sensitive to condition changes. The main finding of the study is that the SampEn calculated on very short ECG mV recordings (10 to 60 seconds, easy to obtain in clinical settings) may be a useful diagnostic measure since it can distinguish fearful from non-fearful flyers.

Fear induced complexity loss in the electrocardiogram of flight phobics: A multiscale entropy analysis

Xavier Bornas, Jordi Llabres, Miquel Noguera, Ana M Lopez, Joan Miquel Gelabert, Irene Vila, Fear induced complexity loss in the electrocardiogram of flight phobics: A multiscale entropy analysis, Biological Psychology, Volume 73, Issue 3, October 2006, Pages 272-279, ISSN 0301-0511, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.05.004.

In this study we explored the changes in the variability and complexity of the electrocardiogram (ECG) of flight phobics (N = 61) and a matched non-phobic control group (N = 58) when they performed a paced breathing task and were exposed to flight related stimuli. Lower complexity/entropy values were expected in phobics as compared to controls. The phobic system complexity as well as the heart rate variability (HRV) were expected to be reduced by the exposure to fearful stimuli. The multiscale entropy (MSE) analysis revealed lower entropy values in phobics during paced breathing and exposure, and a complexity loss was observed in phobics during exposure to threatening situations. The expected HRV decreases were not found in this study. The discussion is focused on the distinction between variability and complexity measures of the cardiac output, and on the usefulness of the MSE analysis in the field of anxiety disorders.

demà a l’escola

Ara te contaré el que passarà a l’escola aviat 🙂
“Quan els infants arribin a la classe ja hi haurà alguns ordinadors encesos. Penjaran els abrics i miraran per la finestra per veure el temps que fa. Després miraran el temps que fa a Marrakech a través d’alguna de les webcams que emeten contínuament a Internet. Aviat es farà l’hora de connectar amb ‘Educalia’ perquè fa uns dies que estan col·laborant en un projecte amb un parell d’escoles de Catalunya. La mestra anirà registrant tot el que passa a la classe a través de la seva PDA (una mena d’agenda electrònica): valoracions de les feines dels infants, registres de conducta (de bona i de mala conducta), etc.
Cada hora, més o manco, la PDA de la mestra es va sincronitzant amb l’ordinador de la classe, el qual està connectat al servidor de l’escola. Part de tota aquesta informació, la qual inclourà per exemple els deures que hi ha per demà, podrà ser consultada a través d’Internet pels pares i mares amb un codi d’accés. D’aquesta manera, abans d’anar a cercar el fill a l’escola, el pare ja sabrà si s’ha ‘portat bé’, si té molts de deures o si demà, de forma especial toca fruita per berenar. Com que té molts deures, el pare ja haurà adaptat els plans de la família per aquell horabaixa i aniran tot d’una a ca seva a fer els deures amb l’ajuda del material que la mestra haurà deixat penjat a la plana web de la classe, la qual hauran creat entre tots … aniran a ca seva lògicament després d’aturar-se a comprar una mica de fruita pel berenar de l’endemà”