Do all treatments work for flight phobia? Computer-assisted exposure versus a brief multicomponent nonexposure treatment

Psychotherapy Research. Volume 16, Issue 1, 2006, 41-50. Do all treatments work for flight phobia? Computer-assisted exposure versus a brief multicomponent nonexposure treatment. DOI:10.1080/10503300500091058. Xavier Bornas, Miquel Tortella-Feliu & Jordi Llabrés

Computer-assisted treatments have proven to be effective in the treatment of several anxiety disorders and depression, but the role of exposure remains unclear. This study compares the efficacy of a computer-assisted exposure treatment (CAE) with a brief multicomponent nonexposure treatment (MNE) for flight phobia. Outcome measure assessments were conducted at posttreatment and at 6-month follow-up. No differences were found between CAE and MNE in reducing fear of flying. In both conditions patients improved significantly and clinically meaningfully, and results were maintained at 6- month follow-up. These findings challenge the idea that exposure is essential in reducing phobic anxiety and support the idea that specific phobias may be well suited for brief cognitive–behavioral treatments.

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